Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ikr? ikr? ikr? ikr?

"I know, right?"

Once only a slightly irritating phrase often said accidentally around friends or during heightened moments of excitement, now the phrase has become an even more annoying acronym that will now and forever more haunt me until all the hip kids knock it the heck off.


Honestly.  IKR? It's almost like, "I care?" which is even more of a smart-ass remark than "I know, right?" can be, when spoken in the appropriate tone of voice.

I only saw this a few times, here and there between younger guild mates on occasion.  Now I see it popping up everywhere I look.  On deviantART.  On Facebook.  From older guild mates. From people I know. From people I don't know.  From everywhere.

Why am I complaining about it? What good will it do for me to complain about these three letters?

None, that's what.  And that really sucks.   I know, right?