Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Artistic Slump

I feel like I've hit a wall in the realm of my artistic expression lately. Yes, I understand that I'm not awesome at drawing or painting, and that if you've gone to school for it, you're probably 10x better than I am. But we're not here to talk about you. >:]

I've been wanting to work this kink out for the past few months, but have been finding it extremely difficult to do so.

I've been trying to broaden my horizons as well. Before, I tried desperately to simply draw in the "anime" sort of style that is oh so popular everywhere anyone can look nowadays. After realizing this, and coming to the conclusion that anime wasn't as awesome to me as it used to be, I tried different things and put my spin on them, all while trying to find a spin that I had, if that makes any sense.

I've tried painting on a canvas, soft pastels, WoW comics, cartoons, and my favorite and currently un-matched in quality (by myself, of course), painting done on my computer using openCanvas. It's all been a fun and sometimes annoying adventure, but I'm just not sure where my style is. I felt extremely comfortable in the cartoons that I drew. The painting on oC was challenging, and I can't recreate the dedication I put into that single painting. Acrylic paints on canvas seems to go alright, but I find the cleanup to be both tedious and frustrating.

I guess it doesn't matter either way; everything that comes from my fingertips belongs to me, and expresses in some way how I am feeling about something in particular at the moment I am drawing/painting it. Even though it might not be the best in anyone else's eyes, or even my own, my work is mine, and no one can take that from me.


Here, look at this koala :D

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