Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Minimizing Stress

Lately I haven't been having the best of times, so I have been trying to find simple little ways to keep myself from stressing out over the small things in life. So far I've tried meditation, funny websites, music, watching tv, and drawing to keep myself from blowing up at the nearest bystander.

But the most simple thing I have found that helps as a sort of preemptive strike against the stress demons at bay is what you are seeing to the left.

Simply by turning my phone all the way down I have effectively removed myself from whatever drama can creep up into my life from friends or family who know my phone number.

It was so simple!

I'm not sure as to why I hadn't done this before. I am constantly bombarded with passive aggressive texts from people on a daily basis. But this phone, this $50 hunk of crap, is mine. Why should I allow myself to be exposed to that sort of negativity? So, All Sounds Off it is.

On the topic of meditation: I am not good at this yet. I still have a tough time fighting for my little inner voice to just be silent for a few minutes. It's as though every time I sit down and close my eyes, I get through the first few moments of silence...and suddenly am interrupted by an echoing voice in my head babbling about something interesting that happened a few months ago. And from that thought comes another, and another, and another, until I find it completely impossible to focus--or, not--on anything at all. I realize that it takes a lot of dedication and practice, but I think it may be a while before I can even go 30 seconds without my inner voice bubbling up like an excited child at a parade.

Once I do manage to do this, though, I feel like I will be much more prepared to deal with the negative energies that come from others. Even if it just gives me time alone, I will see it as a huge victory, and may have to reward myself for my patience.

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