Wednesday, November 11, 2009

deviantART and Pr0n.

Credit to Yuri-Yurie on deviantART for this lovely photograph with a message.

I have been a member of deviantART for four years now, and have had a mostly good relationship with the people of the website's community. I've only run into a few jerks here or there, and even then, it did not phase me much.

The human body is a beautiful thing. We can all agree to that. And there is some beautiful nude art out there. But there are some things that just make me cringe.

I had such an experience earlier this evening. I had just logged onto deviantART, and was looking through the most recent postings on the main page. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the image of a young woman with ejaculate dribbling out of her mouth.

My first instinct was to make sure I didn't accidentally stumble onto a porn site. I looked up again, and it was confirmed, I was on dA. Face in palm, I followed the link, as I had felt the need to click the "Report" button, which is something I'd never done before. The process was remarkably easy, and I was soon alerted that the image had been taken down. I was pleased.

I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble; I'm sure that dude was super proud of himself for jizzing in that chick's mouth. But I don't think that dA was the right place to put it. I mean, I remember when I was younger, it's very easy to lie about your age on the internet, especially when there's no one to enforce it. Any child could have said they were 18, and found themselves looking into the gaping maw of some strange woman with ejaculate all over the place. Personally, that's not something I would want my kids to see.

I know the nature of children, though. They'll always find a way to check it out. It's just the way we're all made-curious and thirsty for knowledge. It's why we played doctor as children, or why we snuck over to our older siblings' homework when they were taking the Sex E.D. classes.

If you've got some classy nude photography, nude paintings, sculptures, whatever... Then that's fine. But the sort of thing that I saw today was simply unacceptable in my eyes. Please, when you're posting things online, think of the small kids who are lying about their age on the website you are on. Do you really want little 11 year old Susie to see your pierced junk? I didn't think so.


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