Sunday, April 10, 2011

Small Update of Sorts

A lil somethin somethin I brought home from the US :) 
Things have been pretty unexciting lately, which is good I suppose.  I'm looking at taking an art course online, from the same people that Will is taking his course from.  Hopefully we'll be able to pay for that soon, but I don't mind waiting if it means we get out of debt a little faster.

I've been trying my hand at writing again, mostly on the back story for my little game project I've been playing with.  I'm considering picking up writing my other story, as well. I'd nearly forgotten all about it.  I'm finding it quite difficult to write though, I get caught up in tenses and my newly attained inability to describe things the way I want to.  It's been getting worse, my frustrating sense of "OMG this has to be perfect".  I wish I could just let go for once and let myself learn to write again.

Made a couple of things since last posting. I'll share them here.

A little box made of newspapers
Bottom View :) 
Finally, something to use the
 empty toilet rolls for.